The “BMED” and “BMES” are power vented indoor duct furnaces. Model “BMED” offers bottom burner access and is typically ceiling suspended. The model “BMES” offers side access and is typically mounted on a non-combustible floor. Both models offer high efficiencies that achieve annual fuel savings of up to 25% over conventional natural vented unit heaters. Also featured is the factory installed power venter and sealed flue collector that controls combustion and excess air during on cycles.
Standard Features:
- 10 sizes ranging from 100-400 MBH
- ETL certified for 80% efficiencies
- Aluminized steel heat exchanger 20 gauge
- Optional 409 and 321 stainless steel heat exchangers
- Single stage gas valve (STD)
- Optional two stage and modulating gas valves
- Standard spark ignition
- Available in Natural or LP gas
- Easy burner access with individual removable burners
- Factory test fired
- 1 Year Warranty