The ecom-B Plus is an easy to use handheld gas analyzer designed for commercial and industrial combustion monitoring in a variety of applications. It can be fitted with up to 3 gas sensors, measuring O2, CO & NO, plus STACK and AMBIENT temperatures, and STACK Pressure and Draft. The ecom-B Plus also calculates CO2, Efficiency, Losses, Excess Air and Oxygen correction 0-20%. The instrument with its aluminum housing and ergonomic handle has been designed for rugged field use. On board data storage allows for up to 300 separate readings. Its integrated thermal quick printer allows for on the spot print outs. The on-board computer has 5 pre-programmed fuel types and can store up to 16. The ecom-B Plus’ sample conditioning system consists of a high flow pump and radiant gas cooler with condensate trap. An automatic shut-off activates when the condensate trap reaches its maximum capacity. Another unique feature of the ecom-B Plus is an automatic and manual CO bypass function which protects the CO sensor from over exposure.
ecom-B Plus